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Why Is Homework Such a Struggle? The Importance of Eye Exams for Children

The Link Between Visual Function and Academic Performance

We all know that most children aren’t fans of homework and getting them to sit down and do it can be a challenge. While this can be frustrating and even misunderstood as a lack of motivation, it could actually be your child’s vision that deters them from finishing their homework. When we look at the research that indicates that 80% of learning in children is visual, it’s no surprise that their vision can affect their academics. At The Center for Vision Development, we see this play out in real time.

If your child is having a hard time with homework, it may be related to their visual function rather than a disinterest in learning. Here’s how undiagnosed vision problems can contribute to homework struggles and why regular eye exams are essential for children.

How Visual Issues Affect Homework Performance

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Children with unaddressed vision problems often become frustrated when it comes to completing tasks that require close focus on near objects. This can lead to avoidance or frustration when it’s time to do homework. Some common visual issues that impact schoolwork include:

  • Convergence Insufficiency: This happens when a child’s eyes have trouble working together to focus on one object. As a result, they may experience eye strain, double vision, or headaches, making it difficult to concentrate.
  • Eye Tracking Problems: Eye tracking refers to the ability to smoothly follow words or objects across a page. It's common that children with eye tracking problems lose their place while reading, leading to frustration and the need to re-read certain sections ultimately slowing down their process.
  • Focusing Issues: Some children have trouble switching their focus between distances. For instance, they may have a hard time adjusting their focus from the whiteboard to their paper. This can create challenges in the classroom and during homework time.

At The Center for Vision Development, we specialize in diagnosing these types of visual problems through comprehensive eye exams and vision therapy.

The Importance of Eye Exams for Children

Many vision problems can go undetected during standard school vision screenings. These screenings only check for clarity of sight but do not evaluate the crucial visual skills needed for success in reading, writing, and homework. Additionally, children are often unable to articulate their ocular issues because they have no idea that not everyone sees the world the way they do.

If issues are detected, vision therapy may be recommended to improve their visual skills and reduce homework struggles. We also provide parents with the additional resources they need to understand the link between vision and learning.

Improve Your Child’s Eyesight and Academics with The Center for Vision Development

If homework is a constant battle, the issue may lie in your child’s vision. At The Center for Vision Development, we offer comprehensive eye exams and vision therapy designed to address the underlying visual issues that may be impacting their ability to complete homework comfortably and efficiently. Schedule an appointment to ensure your child’s vision is supporting their academic success.